

The best exercise for the soul is giving.
Giving is one of the most powerful principles of all time. Do you actually do it?

Connecting to Love: Day 7 ~ Giving Love

Giving may refer to "gift", the transfer of something without the expectation of receiving something in return.
Giving is a part of human nature. We enjoy seeing the other person smile, we enjoy helping someone else in some small way.

Anyone and everyone has something they can offer one another. Even without any material gift to offer, sharing your ideas can have immense personal benefits. Ideas can transform others greatly.
By giving out what you have without expecting anything in return, you start living a meaningful life. You find yourself in better health and peace and you achieve more happiness.
Giving is a wealth habit and like all the other wealth habits must be given unconditionally without any expectation of a reciprocal action from the receiver.
Helping others reduces self-centeredness, promotes good health, reduces fears, enables us to make good use of our potential, and helps us find meaning, fulfillment, and purpose.

There is tremendous power that comes with the act of giving, where you simply give from your heart.
When you give from your heart, you give with no expectations. You give only because you want to give, because you want to share what you have and because you want to help somebody.


"Love grows by giving.

The Love we give away is te only Love we keep.

The only way to retain LOVE is to give it away."
~ Elbert Hubbard
Think about all gifts you received today and all you gave.

Close your eyes, make a deep and smooth breath, focus in your heart area, imagine you telling your subconscious mind that you truly care and want to share what you have. You say that you don't care if you don't get anything in return, you don't care if no one notices or if no one thanks you. Imagine you giving a small thing for someone (you know or not), see his happiness, how her are grateful. Feel how you are happy  and grateful too. Commit yourself - all days, all time - to give more love for everyone. Remain in this feeling. Slowly open your eyes. 

Write in a daily journal a list of gifts you received today (material or not - may be a discount in supermarket, a gift, a kind word, a caress....) and a list of what you gave.


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