

If you have ever had a moment when you practiced unconditional love, whether spontaneously or deliberately, you probably felt energized and liberated, not drained and burdened. The more often you feel the former after acting a certain way, the more you're loving unconditionally.
Connecting to Love: Day 19 ~ Unconditional Love

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Unconditional love is known as affection without any limitations. It can be also love without conditions. This term is sometimes associated with other terms such as true altruism, complete love, or "mother's/father's love." Each area of expertise has a certain way of describing unconditional love, but most will agree that it is that type of love which has no bounds and is unchanging.
In psychology, unconditional love refers to a state of mind in which one has the goal of increasing the welfare of another, despite any evidence of benefit for oneself.

Unconditional love is a state of consciousness which has qualities to it - honesty, vulnerability, empathy and compassion are the qualities that stem out of unconditional love. Unconditional love is way of being or a way of life. It doesn't happen just between family or only in romantic relationships; if it's genuine, all living creatures are considered family.

According to the book Real Love by Greg Baer, unconditional love is, in essence, true love - so different from the kind of love most of us have known all our lives that it deserves a definition of its own.
Unconditional love sees the human essence of everybody, no matter what.
Unconditional love recognizes that the human essence in all humanity is the same. We all need healthy food, clean water, clean air, and a reliable shelter with a solid foundation. We all need a sustainable planet if are to survive. We all have the same emotions and feelings, we are all conditioned by our culture and how we were raised, we are all human.
It may be easy to look around our world today and see the appearance of chaos, difficulty and strife, however, when we come from an open heart, we can also see our opportunity to love all things into balance, joy, harmony and peace.

Unconditional love is caring about the happiness of another person without any thought for what we might get for ourselves. It’s unconditional love when other people care about our happiness unconditionally.
It's unconditional love not judging or punishing but loving without conditions. It’s that love alone that has the power to heal all wounds, bind people together, and create relationships quite beyond our present capacity to imagine.

Unconditional love is our natural state of being and who we all really are, rather we accept ourselves as that or not. 
Unconditional love begins with oneself, you must first have a strong sense of self-esteem and self-confidence. This doesn't mean you never have emotional difficulties or don’t need support and extra attention at times.
Offering unconditional love to yourself, in spite of any perceived flaws or past mistakes, means you are able to view yourself as lovable and worthy.
Unconditional love allows you to love yourself first, so that you have the strength of heart and mind to give the same to another person.

Genuine unconditional love is a little strange to receive in our world of expectations and reactions, and yet if you allow yourself to be the receiver, we are programed to be conditional, to expect something in return for our love.
You need to feel generally good about yourself, to like yourself, and to recognize the positive qualities you bring to a relationship.
Unconditional love develops trust because as you express this kind of love towards someone - generally he or she will sense your acceptance and feel comfortable to be vulnerable and honest about their feelings. Unconditional love actually builds self-esteem in others and alleviates their fears of rejection. People learn that they can be authentic with you about their feelings, opinions, and failures. The result is a growing trust in the other person. Not because that person is perfect but because that person is growing in honesty.

Keep in mind Piero Ferrucci's advice that forgiving "is not something we do, but something we are."
Even if someone doesn't apologize, it's inherently loving to both them and yourself to let go of your anger and resentment toward them. Don't mistake being willing to forgive for letting people walk all over you. How you act (lovingly) toward the person will vary, but your ability to practice unconditional love will be clouded if you hold on to negative feelings.

Unconditional love is love without conditions - love without rules and lists, even thinly veiled hopes. Simply put, if love is tied to any of these, it will surely disappoint. Our expectations of love limit it, the conditions we place upon it stop its flow.
Unconditional love is a entirely new process for us in every situation, and we want to convey sincerity with each person we extend that love to so that it is genuine and not conditional.
It's important for each of us to be aware of when we have experienced unconditional love, and more importantly, how to share it with another individual.
According Edgar Allan Poe, "We loved with a love that was more than love."

When we bring unconditional love back into our personal, professional, community and family lives, we begin the journey of restoring wholeness and happiness to our planetary adventure. 


"True love is eternal, infinite, and always like itself. It is equal and pure, without violent demonstrations: it is seen with white hairs and is always young in the heart."

~ Honore de Balzac

Ask yourself:"Am I truly acting with the most love I can for this person at this moment?"

Practice doing something for someone each day with love alone - do it without expecting anything in return, do it without anyone knowing it (you can pray for your friends or family members who live far away; you can send email, text, or a letter to someone whom you have not been in touch with for quite a while; give compliments to other people; you can give a smile to a stranger passing by).
Be nice and show love to toxic people, being kind will pay off one day for both parties.
Do small things with great love each day. 
Watch your heart expand to more love.

Write in a daily journal what does unconditional love mean to you.


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