
Asking For Angelic Assistance

"The more you ask your angels to help you, the more easily they are able to offer you assistance in your life.
Your guardian angels may nudge you in the right direction, encourage you, or leave you signs of their presence without your asking, but they strictly honor your free will and your opportunity to choose your way in life, so they will not directly interfere without your permission.

When you do ask for help, angels have powerful support to give and can help out in any area of your life and the lives of those you care about… So ask!
How to Ask For Help…

Asking your angels for help really is simple, but many people over think it, feel like they’re doing it wrong, or worry that they’re missing an important component. Here is a simple guide that offers 4 Ways in which you can Ask For Help from Your Angels.
Mentally Ask For Help.
You don’t need a formal invocation or prayer to invoke angelic assistance in your life. Angels are able to hear your mental plea, and so if you are sincere in your request they will hear you and get the message to step in and help. There is not a one size fits all way to do this… So I would encourage asking for help from your angels in a way you’re comfortable with.

You can ask God to send angels to help heal your current challenge or situation, or you can directly talk to your angels and ask them to assist you in your life. Some people worry that by calling on angels directly they’re letting down God or turning their back on their connection with the Divine in some way. If you feel this way, ask God to send angels to help you, but also know that angels serve according to God’s will and God wills the angels to support you… So whether you ask God to send them, or call upon the angels directly you’re in full alignment with Divine Will.

How you mentally ask is also up to your interpretation. You can state your request in the form of an affirmation such as; “I am now surrounded by angels.” Or “Thank you angels for helping me to heal my relationship with my brother.” Alternatively you can plea for your angels to help; “Angels please help me to make healthy choices in all areas of my life.” Or “Angels… I’m hurting, and need your help.”

Asking Aloud.
Just as you would ask your angels for help mentally, you can verbally phrase the request. Sometimes this method can be helpful if you’re getting pulled into a downward spiral of negative thought, or if you’re wondering if your angels are really hearing your request for help.

If you do choose to ask your angels for help aloud, I recommend finding a quiet peaceful place in nature, or in your home where you won’t be disturbed and verbally let your angels know what you would like their guidance, and assistance with.

Writing a Letter.
This method of asking your angels for help works well when there is something weighing on your heart… Get it out and onto paper.

Feel free to be completely honest with the angels regarding how you’re feeling, and the hurt, anger, anxiety, or confusion you may be experiencing. Don’t worry about being negative here… Sometimes the best way to let go of negativity is to get it out. Once you’ve written about your challenges and problems, write… “Angels please help me to resolve this.” Or “Thank you angels for helping me through every aspect of this situation.”

Visualize Angels
When you imagine you have angels all around you, you are tuning into a powerful way to call them into your presence.

For example, if you’re nervous about an interview you have… Ask the angels to help in one of the above ways, and then also imagine angels all around you as you head to the interview, and present with you in the room when you’re there.

If you’re feeling sick… Visualize angels all around you flowing Divine love and healing energy into your presence.

If you’re worried about a family member, imagine them in a happy, positive state with angels all around them helping to create blessings in their life.

However you imagine or visualize your angels is perfect. The reality is angels are spiritual beings and can take many forms depending on how we perceive them. So go with what works for you whether that is glowing orbs of angelic light, or beautiful beings with halos and wings… When you visualize angels around you, you’re effectively calling them into your presence.

Angelic Help and Feeling
The final way I want to cover on how to ask angels for help is to simply feel. This method can take two main forms.

The first way is when you’re feeling challenged, angry, upset, etc… Allow yourself to fully feel the challenging emotion, and then ask, or simply imagine the angels taking the dense emotions and feelings from you and releasing them into the light. Then imagine they are being replaced with high vibrational angelic energy of Divine love, light and compassion. Witness and feel the shift. This is a powerful way to work with your angels.

Next is feeling what you would like your angels to help you create. Say you would like your angels help manifesting a new job. Tune into the essence of what you want out of a new job, and tune into the feeling it would create in you. Act as if and feel good about the new job you’re creating, as if you already have it. When you’re fully in the vibration and feeling of having what you want to create… Think, say or just feel in your heart: “Angels, this is what I want to create… Thank you for helping me to fully align with it.”

Again, there is no one right way to ask angels to help you. Play with the above methods, combine them and add to them to find a way that works for you… The important part is to remember than you have angels with you always, and they’re ready and willing to help when you ask, and invite them to help out in your life experience."

                                                                                From Ask-Angels

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